Saturday, August 30, 2008


My name is Kendra Horn. I am 18 years old, I live at home with my parents and this is my first time at Crafton. I have three brothers and one sister. I'm not all the use to blogging. I just tend to rant on my myspace blogs. I’m taking English 015 because it is what I tested into and it is a pre req. for nursing. Once I am done with school I would like to move out of California to Oregon or Washington. I work part time as a substitute instructional assistant for the local school district. In October I get my baby Boston Terrier. I'm thinking of naming her Peanut.


Anonymous said...

My grandma and grandpa have a little chihuahua named Peanut. It's like way old and has a heart murmur. It's really nice though.

Missy said...

Nursing is a great field to get into. You'll never be out of a job and the $$$$$$ is good. I would do it myself but I can't stand blood.
I have been looking into radiation technology.

karissa's blog said...

Yeah, I think I might've seen you around school, cuz you looked kinda familiar to me when I first saw you. I'm haven't decided if I want to adopt yet for sure, but my parents want to, so I thought I'd look into it.